Csongrád Megyei Kormányhivatal – Hódmezővásárhely
Energetical modernization, 1800 m2 thermal insulation, 600 m2 door and window replacement, 550 m2 clinker coating, modernization of heating technology
January – July, 2015
Dr. Szöllősi Béla
GLOBALLOG Kft. – Szeged
Plant-breeding station: steel-frame, light-frame structure building with an office area; paving
3200 m2
2013 – 2014 (6 months)
HÓDAGRO Zrt. – Hódmezővásárhely
6500 m2
2013 (3 months)
MARS Magyarország Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
Expansion of a finished-goods warehouse; addition of a steel-frame structure to the existing building structure
500 m2
2011 – 2012 (4 months)
GLOBALLOG Kft. – Szeged
Warehouse expansion, steel-frame structure construction
6500 m2
2013 (3 months)
Offset és Játékkártya Nyomda Zrt. – Budapest
General construction: ferro-concrete structured printing house
3100 m2
July 2007
Novai György
Szisz Kft. – Szeged
Csongrádi sugárút 72.sz.
Condominium facade insulation; replacement of doors and windows
1120 m2
2 months, 2007.
Gondi Árpád
Masterfoods Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
General construction: expansion of light-frame structure extruder building
450 m2
5 months, 2007.
Szászfai László
Műforg Ezredév Kft. – Lövő
General construction: metalworking area (light-frame structure) and community office building (offices, kitchen, canteen, restroom, lavatory, dressing room)
1100 + 122 m2
5 months, 2007.
Papp János
Masterfoods Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
General construction: expansion of H2 light-frame building
720 m2
4 months, 2006-2007.
Szászfai László
Phoenix Rubber Gumiipari Kft. – Szeged
General construction: hose-testing light-frame building
1135 m2
4 months, 2006.
Csikós Zoltán (cost engineer)
Strabag Zrt. – Gyálarét
Coating: digester building and the surrounding buildings
4500 m2
6 months, 2006.
Falvai János (main construction manager)
Albau 2001 Kft.– Székkutas
Commodity storage building – light-frame structure and coating
460 m2
3 months, 2006.
Tápai József (manager)
Egyesült Magyar Csomagolóüveg Kft. – Orosháza
Roof replacement of cold storage warehouse
9720 m2
3 months, 2005.
Bósz György (purchasing manager)
Hódmezővásárhely Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata
Social Services Center, daytime institution
603 m2
4 months, 2005.
Kovácsné Bálint Gabriella
Masterfoods Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
S&T steel-frame; height: 26 m; commodity station
350 m2
5 months, 2003-2004.
Kovács Róbert
Phoenix Rubber Gumiipari Kft. – Makó
Post office building: restructuring, building services engineering, electrical works
130 m2 + square concrete: 60 m2
2 months, 2004.
Effem Hungary Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
General construction: extrusion and packaging building (light-frame structure)
Production building: 2000 m2
Mill: 500 m2
Paving: 1036 m2
7 months, 1999-2000.
Herczeg Péter +36-63/579-500
Effem Hungary Kft. – Csongrád-Bokros
General construction: production building, office building, paving
Production building: 4000 m2, Office building: 890 m2, Paving: 9700 m2
7 months, 1997-1998.
Herczeg Péter, +36-63/579-500
Eberhart Hungary Kft. – Balatonlelle
General construction: Penny Market department store
960 m2
3 months, 1996.
Gerhard Horváth
C-Mobil Kft. – Szeged
General construction: BMW car showroom and service station
1200 m2
4 months, 1995.
Kuti Pál
Eisberg Kft. – Gyál
General construction: vegetable processing plant – design and construction; cold storage house
780 m2
5 months, 1994.
Hetyei Lajos +36-29/344-030
Burton-Apta Kft. – Hódmezővásárhely
General construction: office building and expansion of manufacturing building (light-frame structure)
2300 m2
4 months, 1992.
Varga Márton
Kossuth Lajos Közoktatási Intézet – Orosháza
General construction: livestock farm, sheep barn, hay storage, and other buildings
700 m2
Filter Focus Kft.
Expansion of waste water treatment building; internal restructuring of SBR pits
55 m2 expansion; production of square concrete 120 m2
Haltáp Kft.
Complete roof-cover replacement of commodity storage warehouse
700 m2
Kovács István
General construction: grain dryer, storage silos, access road, office building, community building
220 m2 square concrete 420 m2
4 months, 2004.
Masterfoods (Effem Hungary) Kft.
General construction: Biofilter 2 – Technological powerhouse and ferro-concrete structure
490 m2
Masterfoods (Effem Hungary) Kft.
General construction: cold storage house for meat preparation
1.800 m3 temperature-controlled building.
Masterfoods (Effem Hungary) Kft.
Technological steel platform
780 m2
Campesa-Industrial Kft.
General construction: restoration of light-frame structure building; community block
2150 m2 + 280 m2
Effem Hungary Kft.
General construction: expansion of production building, packaging building, finished goods warehouse (light-frame structure)
3850 m2
Effem Hungary Kft.
General construction: industrial waste water treatment building: watertight ferro-concrete pits and control building
210 m2.
General construction: concentrate and nutrition formula plant; tower building (23 m)
80 m2
BorsodChem Rt.
Light-frame structure tower building (32 m): plate covering, mounting
600 m2
Hód-Vulkán Kft.
Restructuring and restoration of a light-frame structure building; communal area
950 m2
Effem Hungary Kft.
General construction: (along with technology) production building, packaging building, custom steel-frame mill tower building built on a multi-story ferro-concrete substructure
2000 m2 + 500 m2
Trans-Bavaria Tex Kft.
General construction: warehouse (8 m ceiling height), three-story community block
1600 m2 + 3×180 m2
SPAR Magyarország Kft.
Complete restructuring of DM ElektroMarkt store
400 m2
V.Tabac Rt.
Complete reconstruction: ferro-concrete production building; offices’ interior design
4200 m2
Amerikai Iskola
General construction: sports hall and community blocks
980 m2
Goboni Kft.
General construction: storage building, office building
670 m2
Primex Rt.
Reconstruction: storage building; construction: office building
420 m2